Novaks’ competitive program includes a Gymnastic Team and a Trampoline & Tumbling Team. Both teams begin at Level 4. Our athletes compete in local, national, and international competitions, depending on their level.
Competitive gymnastics, which includes trampoline and tumbling, requires athletes to develop mental and physical skills as well as a positive approach to stress management. Each individual matures within their sport at different rates and therefore, comparison between individual athletes is avoided. Our program stresses improvement of the individual according to his/her own abilities rather than in comparison to some artificial norm. “Pushing” an athlete to achieve in the sport of gymnastics adds stress to an already highly demanding activity and forces the child to take risks he/she may not be physically or mentally prepared for. Proper preparation, self motivation and progression based on the individual’s ability to advance is the healthiest and safest approach to training champions. We encourage athletes to be well rounded and to maintain acceptable academic standards.